Student village
The school's student village is located in Väimela and consists of two student dormitories located at Kooli tee 3 and Kooli tee 5.
There are a total of 134 places in the student village. The rooms are equipped with all amenities (single, double and triple). Internet connection is available in all rooms.
Student dormitory No. 1 (Kooli tee 3):
- Security deposit - 100 euros per student
- The price of a single room - 75 euros per month
- The price of one place in a double room - 60 euros per month
Student dormitory no. 2 (Kooli tee 5)
- Security deposit - 100 euros per student
- The price of a single room - 75 euros per month
- The price of one place in a double room - 60 euros per month
- The price of one place in a triple room - 50 euros per month
- The cost of one place for part-time students is 10 euros per day
For all non-student conferences, the cost of a place in student dormitories is 20 euros per day. The student village has a gym, a full-sized replacement stadium and light traffic roads. Students of Võrumaa Vocational Education Center also have the opportunity to use the services of the Väimela health center and swimming pool.
Student village
The school's student village is located in Väimela and consists of two student dormitories located at Kooli tee 3 and Kooli tee 5.
There are a total of 134 places in the student village. The rooms are equipped with all amenities (single, double and triple). Internet connection is available in all rooms.
Student dormitory No. 1 (Kooli tee 3):
- Security deposit - 100 euros per student
- The price of a single room - 75 euros per month
- The price of one place in a double room - 60 euros per month
Student dormitory no. 2 (Kooli tee 5)
- Security deposit - 100 euros per student
- The price of a single room - 75 euros per month
- The price of one place in a double room - 60 euros per month
- The price of one place in a triple room - 50 euros per month
- The cost of one place for part-time students is 10 euros per day
For all non-student conferences, the cost of a place in student dormitories is 20 euros per day. The student village has a gym, a full-sized replacement stadium and light traffic roads. Students of Võrumaa Vocational Education Center also have the opportunity to use the services of the Väimela health center and swimming pool.